(Cucurbita pepo) We first learned of this Ukrainian summer squash when our friend Mary, farmer for the (now...
(C. Pepo) A variety that needs little introduction, Yellow Crookneck has been in the commercial seed trade in...
(C. maxima) Bred for short-season production for the old Garden City Seeds of northern Montana, Bitterroot has earned...
(C. maxima) When we grew for market, come fall, everyone would go gaga for the sweetness of the Delicata,...
(C. moschata) This small, bumpy, heavily ribbed Japanese squash is gaining in popularity, showing up at more and...
(C. moschata) This is an important entrant in the short-season butternut category. Many of us in the cooler...
(C. maxima) Lower Salmon River carries a connection here in the PNW to both its namesake region of...
(C. maxima) Kabocha has long been among our very favorite winter squashes with its flakey, nutty, rich orange...
(C. maxima) When it comes to winter keepers, Sweet Meat is a northwest classic. Sweet, thick, dry flesh...
(C. maxima) The perfect squash for a pot of simmering savory soup (say that 3 times!) on a...
(C. pepo) This great strain of Delicata has been worked on and maintained by the fine folks of...
(C. maxima) The city of Mantova, in the province of Lombardy in Northern Italy, is a picturesque center...