Welcome! Our current order fulfillment time is 2-4 business days

Happy 2025 to all of you, our friends, & fellow dreamers!
Thank you for joining us in this Joyous Uprising.
 We are delighted to report that our site is now live for this, our 18th year.

What are you hoping to grow this year? What will your coming year in the garden bring? This coming year that we collectively share.

Like many of you, we meet the current moment with a heavy heart as witnesses to so much unraveling around us. Over the years, we’ve often said that the state of our relationship with seed and food as a culture is a mirror held up to that of the dominant systems and values at play in our society: that privatized genetics, inequality in land access, fabricated food scarcity, worker and land exploitation... are reflections of a profit-driven individualism. It is also a common refrain that the garden soothes, as a place of respite from the heaviness of the world around us, but what if instead of going to the garden to escape from something, we went there to grow something? What if we channeled Bertolt Brecht’s notion of art? That our gardens and food communities are not “mirrors with which to reflect reality but hammers with which to shape it.”

So, what are you hoping to grow in 2025? What new ideas are you curious about? How will you challenge power? How will you add nourishment to already fertile ground and elevate stories too long unheard? When will you embrace the stillness of listening as vital within the fierce turning toward growth & justice?

Be Curious! Be radical! Revolution is what the Earth does. Literally. Radical change happens each moment within each moment. We are drawn back to our farms and gardens because it is where we remember we only exist in relationship. Challenge ideas of scarcity with abundance and measure wealth by the degree to which we meet the needs of our community, placing value in how much we share. Let’s grow to disrupt business as usual and nurture our roots in equity, connection, compassion, collaboration, mutual aid, and justice.

We feel the weight of things profoundly these days. We experience hope as a verb, connection as inevitable, conflict as an opportunity, and gratitude as drops of justice.

What are you hoping to grow in 2025? Darkness is where seeds sprout.

Can you sit with the discomfort of that radical change?

From a small seed to a watermelon?!!

Darkness is where seeds sprout.

Thank you for joining us in this Joyous Uprising! We are so happy that you're here. 

Brian, Crystine, Farm Kids, Rio, Bre, Jesse, Jamie, Anais, & Peter


PS again: We remind you each year that there is enough for everyone. We worked so hard this summer, & so did all those we are lucky to have on board as our Growers. That old supply and demand scarcity model that drives capitalism and thrives under the control of a few is quite outdated, and honestly, we are all more thoughtful than this and well-adapted to sharing resources in a truly collaborative spirit.
Don’t fall for it, intelligent and compassionate humans! No need to compete for seeds! We can all decide what is valuable and choose community connection and care. It’s true some things will invariably sell out, but most will not. Let’s begin 2025 with our hearts and souls intact.
Also (and we say this on repeat), if you buy too many seeds you don’t need, they will suffer in storage & We Will Know. So, Stop Yourself! AND best of all, if you REALLY, REALLY cannot stop yourself from overbuying, may we direct you to our “Grow It Forward” option. Here, you may buy any number of packets and/or a 5-packet bundle(s) to share your abundance with the recognition that collective care means we are all worthy and deserving of such care. You buy the seeds, and we ship the 5-packet Garden Bundle to someone who may not otherwise have a garden. Simple. Thank you for your generous spirit!

Seed shipping will be limited to the United States & Canada. Please check our landing page to see how far out shipping is. We use USPS to ship our orders. They have been working overtime for years and still experience periodic delays. Be Patient. After decades of growing, we have come to realize that A) There’s often more leeway than we think, B) Not only can we not control the weather, it will probably surprise us, & C) Lovely friends, neighbors & acquaintances may just have extra to share & you probably will too. Gardening is a grand opportunity to make some new friends!

  • Jan 16, 2025
  • Category: News
  • Comments: 0
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