Each year, we happily donate seeds to local and nationwide organizations doing incredible food, social, and environmental justice and education work.
About the most satisfying thing to do is to fill a box with seeds and send it on its way! Many of these organizations work with kids in school gardens, veterans, immigrants, refugees, and those among us who may have fallen through the cracks and been ignored. We’d like to think that reconnecting individuals with place, reinvigorating a sense of purpose and wonder, and the plain fun of watching a plant grow and then eating it can start with a tiny seed. You can learn more about the great organizations we donate to by following the links to discover how you can contribute or simply marvel at all the good things happening in your community and beyond!
Community Care is Everything.
To Request a Donation, email
Please include "DONATION" as the Subject, your seed needs, the amount of space you are growing on,
the number of people supported, and a brief note/website link about the organization.
The vast majority of our seeds are donated throughout our local community. Our focus areas are PNW schools & organizations working to elevate food equity & justice.
You can expect seeds to ship from late Winter to early Spring.
*We read each donation request and are amazed and genuinely touched by your good work and vision!
Due to the overwhelming amount of requests, we cannot reply to each request.
We are honored you reached out.
Donations of 2025 seeds begin in 2026
Please begin to email requests in Fall 2025.
Our donations change yearly.
We will continue to update this list to share inspiring organizations.
Volunteer, Donate, and Get Connected! You have so much to offer.
- Beacon Hill Food Forest: Seattle, WA. Beacon Food Forest is a public permaculture project that promotes food justice by sharing (open harvest for all) organically grown food and empowering information. Currently, a 3+-acre permaculture food forest and annual giving garden on public land in the heart of urban Seattle feed and teach thousands of visitors and neighbors yearly and host educational events that promote sustainability, empowering the community through art and good food. Their annual giving garden is in the shape of a huge double-helix - a strand of DNA - to remind us that we are all in this together. It is planted and maintained by volunteers and open to the public to glean from during the growing season; it is also harvested for the local food bank, and there are "Free Food" giveaway days when many locals come to get a bag of fresh vegetables. Located near low-income housing, many visitors to the food forest are new immigrants with few resources. Some of them are very hungry because they do not have the paperwork necessary to get food assistance or visit a food bank. A wide variety of culturally appropriate food and medicine are planted here, and traditional farming techniques from all over the world are shared.
- Birchwood Food Desert Fighters: Whatcom County, WA. The Birchwood Food Desert Fighters are a group of neighbors and allies working to address the food desert created in the Birchwood neighborhood when the Park Manor Albertsons closed in May of 2016. Their work centers on the needs of those most affected by the lack of food access. They recognize that this work involves a commitment to migrant, low-wage, & undocumented worker’s rights & the rights of Indigenous people. They celebrate the lives & are committed to the rights of BIPOC, LGBTQ+, D/deaf & disabled people.
- Common Threads: Whatcom County, WA. A project of 24 school gardens that "connects kids to healthy food in the garden, in the kitchen, and at the table." They want kids to grow up feeling empowered to make food choices that are good for their bodies, their communities, and the environment.
- Community to Community Development: Bellingham, WA. Bellingham-based ecofeminist and social justice organization led by women of color whose knowledge comes from real-life experiences. Their work is focused on "creating movement towards the creation of communities that: empower under-represented peoples to have an equal voice in decision-making processes that affect their lives; develop and strengthen cross-cultural awareness; restore justice to our food, land and cultural practices, promote community relationships towards self-reliance and stand in solidarity with organizations working for human and civil rights."
- Ferndale Friendship Community Garden: Ferndale, WA. A community garden that grows food for the food bank and has 25 family plots and a hoop house so families can grow their own food.
- Gardeneers: Chicago, IL. Gardeneers believed justice begins with food and that our nation’s food system is unjust. They see it in Chicago neighborhoods without grocery stores and communities without easy access to fresh produce. And that’s just part of it. The fight for racial and social justice starts with meeting these most basic human needs. Gardeneers seeks to connect communities to resources that will help to create a more equitable food system. They work with 20+ South- and Westside schools and communities to contribute positively to the larger food system. They do this by supporting youth in school gardens and farm programs to build their knowledge, skills, and habits to become leaders who care for themselves, their environment, and their communities.
- Good Cheer Foodbank: South Whidbey, WA. The Good Chher Foodbank began its Garden Program in 2009 to address the lack of fresh produce regularly available to food bank shoppers. Garden surpluses are shared with community partners such as Whidbey Island Nourishes, Senior Resources, and many other organizations that address food access in their community.
- Growing Kindness: Mt. Vernon, WA. This is an "organization with a worldwide team of backyard gardeners and flower farmers that is literally growing a solution to loneliness by cultivating flowers and freely sharing them with those who need a little extra kindness—patients in hospitals, residents in nursing homes, neighbors in need, and so many more."
- Green Plate Special: Seattle, WA. Founded in 2010, Green Plate Special's mission is to inspire and empower youth through growing, cooking, and sharing food.
- Growing Veterans: Lynden, WA. Empowering veterans to cultivate purpose and belonging by growing food, community, and each other. Their vision is to end the isolation that leads to veteran suicide.
- GRuB, Garden Raised Urban Bounty: Olympia, WA, and South Puget Sound. Over the past 20 years, this organization has done so much for youth and food justice that we find it hard to condense! Please visit their website and browse their annual report to appreciate how much work they all do.
- Happy Compromise Farm and Sanctuary: Waverly, NY. Founded in 2020 in Oregon, they are a queer-founded non-profit farm and sanctuary providing care for farmed and companion animals, offering community pet care to help with spaying and neutering local animals, and distributing free produce, plant starts, bouquets, and seeds. Their overarching goal is to create a fair, just, and safe world for all beings.
- International Rescue Committee, Seattle, "New Roots" Program: Seattle, WA. The IRC’s New Roots program focuses on food access and the nutritional needs of families upon arrival in the U.S.. It builds on the agricultural experience of many new refugee and immigrant families by providing access to land, materials, and education for program participants to grow healthy food.
- L'ARCHE Farm and Gardens: Tacoma, WA. (IN HONOR OF AUNT JUDY) Strives to offer a safe and welcoming environment that provides meaningful farm and garden work to persons with developmental disabilities. The Farm is a collaborative setting where people with diverse gifts and abilities work toward common goals. Whether core member, assistant, or volunteer, each farmworker is affirmed in their dignity, self-worth, and connection to life.
- Lopez Island Family Resource Center: Lopez Island, WA. Offers programs and services to support, enrich, educate, and, most importantly, empower the Lopez community.
- Lopez Island School: Lopez Island, WA. The L.I.F.E. (Lopez Island Farm Education) Garden Program helps K-12 students build an appreciation for nature, nutrition, community, land stewardship, and the environment. Founded over twenty years ago, L.I.F.E. has exceeded all expectations, maturing to become a fully integrated, inspiring model for schools nationwide.
- Nature Nurture Farmacy, Food is Medicine Project: Chehalis, WA. This non-profit community health center is on a mission to cultivate community health and resilience through connection to local food sources. They offer garden education, among other services, and apothecary resources for their rural community and maintain a free community seed library.
- Seattle P-Patch: Seattle, WA. Since 1973, The P-Patch Community Gardening Program has been made up of community-managed open spaces throughout Seattle, where gardeners use small plots of land to grow organic food, flowers, and herbs. All P-Patch gardens are open to the public to enjoy and are utilized as communal spaces, restorative spaces, learning and idea incubators, and venues for community gatherings. P-Patch Community Gardens come in many shapes, sizes, and ownerships, but all spring from the desire of neighbors wanting to make connections and improve their surroundings. Moreover, the gardens provide a way to give back to the community through volunteer hours and by supplying fresh, organic produce to Seattle food banks and feeding programs. P-Patch actively facilitates and partners with other organizations to support related market gardening, youth gardening, and community food security programs that serve all Seattle communities, emphasizing the City's immigrant, youth, and lower-income residents. Community gardeners grow food on 14.9 acres and provide stewardship for an additional 18.8 acres of public land for a total of 33.7 acres.
- The Next Door, Raices Cooperative Farm: The Next Door has over two dozen programs that support and empower people in 5 Oregon counties and 2 Washington counties. They focus on supporting people to build skills for loving relationships and healthy lives through an impressive number of health, family, and economic programs and training. Raices Cooperative Farm (one of their economic development services) offers free classes and workshops on both Organic Agriculture and Small Business Development, focusing on sharing skills, knowledge, and land with those who do not have garden space as well as schools and other groups to conduct educational activities and service learning.
- The Seattle Giving Garden Network: Seattle, WA. Since 2010, SGGN has been working to facilitate the cultivation of organic, locally sourced produce by Seattle gardeners to supply food banks, street kitchens, and other essential food pantries. They collaborate with the Department of Neighborhoods “Giving Garden” program, church gardens, and home gardens dedicated to addressing food insecurity within their communities.
- Tilth Alliance: Seattle, WA. Advocacy, education, and collaboration are the primary strategies used in their work. Tilth Alliance uses farms, gardens, and kitchens as classrooms where people from all backgrounds can learn to grow, prepare, and eat food in ecologically sound, economically viable, and culturally appropriate ways. They manage several community learning gardens in and around Seattle — including the city’s largest urban farm! These gardens, fields, farms, and kitchens are used to provide hands-on educational experiences where people can get their hands in the dirt and shift their understanding of how food is grown.
- York Community Farm: Bellingham, WA. Improving lives by offering community garden plots and comradery in the Bellingham area! Look for them in the York Neighborhood and on Facebook.
- Young Women Empowered: Seattle, WA. Centers youth of color in cultivating leadership and self-determination skills in a community of belonging. The Environmental Leadership Council dives into Environmental Justice through the lens of food- exploring their own cultural and emotional relationships with food and the land, challenging the unjust and racist food system, and growing food at Marra Farm in the South Park neighborhood alongside community partners. Y-WE shares food and hosts youth-led meals and workshops around Environmental Justice topics, including access to fresh, healthy, culturally relevant produce.
- And Various other small community gardens and organizations throughout the country!