Happy 2022 to all our dear friends, gardeners, farmers, & dreamers!
Looking back on 2020 and 2021, our hearts remain focused on the profound wish for each of you to find grounding and connection in the seeds you sow, the gardens you tend, and the cooperative spirit of care extended to all. Every year that we have written this letter, it has been a variation on this same theme. And rest assured that this theme extends into our own lives, into the care taken in growing each seed, and into our families, community, and our extended community that includes each of you. We deeply understand that seeds are not only a desire to eat homegrown tomatoes and radicchio. There are no words adequate to describe the focused sense of well being and connection that comes from the shared relationship between sower, sown, and sown-in. The joyful realization that we are nourished in relationship with one another. Each action, each seed a gift and a rendering of imaginative, radical uprising!
The last years have been heartbreaking and eye-opening on so many fronts. As we do with seeds, we wish that each new realization gives rise to the opportunity to expand, share, and nourish. The occasion to listen to the stories that connect us and keep us constantly moving towards accountability, justice, and love.
Within these online pages, we invite you to dream with us! The new and returning varieties are few but mighty. After a couple of VERY busy years, our growing season was spent prioritizing replenishing stock of old friends rather than introducing many new ones. That said, the dozen or so new varieties offer much joy to explore. We have every belief that you will enjoy them as much as we enjoy sharing them. We share their stories relishing that you will add to them your own. And on and on it goes…
Wishing you days made weary by sun, wind, and the soreness that comes from sowing seeds into the imagined gardens made possible by your dreams. Wishing you, once again and always, opportunities sought and realized to connect, expand, and share. To remember relationships and what sustains us all. This animate Earth welcomes us home.
Once again, we could not do this without all of your support, our amazing growers, and our dedicated Uprising Team. To say that we are grateful and humbled by the kindness, dedication, and excitement from everyone, will always be an understatement. IF we are lucky enough to speak with you, share some extra love with Bre, Rio, Jesse, and Scott. Each of us are working with incredible speed and precision to ship you your seed dreams!
PS. We’ve got loads of seeds, friends! Really. We worked so hard this summer, & so did all those we are lucky to have on board as our Growers. So, don’t go panic buying thinking you need to stock up for an inevitable shortage. Some things will invariably sell out but most will not. Let’s begin this new year with abundance & co-creation based on sharing, collaboration, & cooperation. Also, if you buy too many seeds you don’t need, they will suffer in storage & We Will Know. So, Stop Yourself! AND best of all, if you REALLY, REALLY, cannot stop yourself from overbuying, may we direct you to our “Grow It Forward” option. Here you may buy any amount of packets and/or a 5-packet bundle(s) to share your abundance of money and/or kind spirit & recognition that we are all best when we are all cared for. You buy the seeds, and we ship the 5 packet Seasonal Garden Bundle to someone who may not otherwise have a garden. Simple. Thank you for your generous spirit!
Seed shipping will be limited to only the United States & Canada. As well, we are taking all necessary safety precautions as COVID continues. This means it is likely that your orders will be delayed a bit. USPS is working hard, too, but they are still experiencing periodic delays. Be Patient. After decades of growing, we have come to realize that A) There’s often more leeway than we think, B) The weather will probably surprise us, & C) Lovely friends, neighbors & acquaintances may just have extra to share & you probably will too. A grand opportunity to make some new friends!