(Tagetes tenuifolia) A very tidy and ridiculously cheerful (12-18”) mounding plant with a never-ending display of petite marigold...
(Tagetes patula) This bright and easy-going marigold continues to find a place in our garden each year. Each...
(Althea officinalis) If any of you are prone to long-lasting coughs and sore throats in the winter months,...
(Reseda odorata) At first sight, mignonette hardly seems a plant to inspire such rich history and lore as...
(Monarda citriodora) A member of the mint family, this perennial flowering herb is native across much of the...
*Heirloom* (I. purpurea) Now famous as the variety that set the Whealy’s on their path to eventually found...
(Tropaeolum minus) When we used to grow production salad mix, we always had a special mix for restaurants...
(Trapaeolum majus) Cheerful, easy to grow, edible, and long-lasting, nasturtiums have remained at the top of our list...
Nicotiana, 'Bronze Queen'
(Nicotiana langsdorffii) Do you ever feel like you need more ease in this world? A moment to appreciate,...
(Nicotiana langsdorffii) It’s lovely when plants need very little from us. This one seems to thrive on appreciative...
(Nicotiana alata) Velvety green tobacco leaves give rise to flower spikes of nodding chartreuse trumpet flowers that glow...
(Nicotiana sylvestris) This statuesque nicotiana (part of the tobacco family) creates a spectacularly tall focal point to cottage-style...